Our team of attorneys and professionals have conducted hundreds of trials on federal, state, and local issues. Our broad experience covers a wide variety of practice areas.






Banking and Finance








The following are illustrative of the cases in which Select Litigation has helped its clients win cases and realize effective resolutions:

  • Successfully achieved zero convictions for 11 defendants facing 138 federal counts of public corruption, bribery and fraud.  Our work included jury selection, trial strategy, public relations, and specialized research projects.  After two multi-week trials, one reporter noted, β€œthe case was decided the day the jury was selected.” 

  • Provided trial strategy and extensive research to assist a federal regulatory agency secure substantial fines and professional ban for executives who concealed material information from investors. 

  • Provided extensive research in a medical malpractice suit for a well-known insurance carrier leading to 90% reduction in damages.

  • Formulated winning litigation strategy against a biopharmaceutical firm that made misleading claims to investors about the approval status of their sole product.  After a two-week trial, our client, a federal regulatory agency, won convictions for violations of the Exchange Act 10(b). 

  • Provided research and trial strategy to help successfully defend a breach of contract claim on behalf of an international insurance carrier.

  • Conducted extensive mock trial and assisted in jury selection in a federal case involving a complicated insider trading scheme.  As a result, two defendants settled with the agency, and a third was convicted and has been banned for life from the securities industry.

  • Conducted juror research and selection in a federal case that resulted in an acquittal of all conspiracy and fraud charges against a law enforcement official.

  • Developed winning themes and jury selection for an international construction firm employee facing federal fraud charges. Despite facing more than a decade of imprisonment, the defendant was sentenced to one year of unsupervised probation.

  • Provided winning trial strategy and research which helped secure a 1.8M judgement against an investment adviser charged with fraud for misappropriating client assets and misrepresenting the value of 15 unregistered investment pools.

  • Provided jury research and selection on behalf of owner of a multi-million-dollar construction contractor charged with wire fraud to secure complete vindication with federal agency dropping all charges.